Blog Archives

Are You a Christian?

I used to consider myself to be a Christian, but I’m proud to announce that I no longer will accept that title.  Why?  Let’s take a quick (hopefully) look at this title.

One of the first places I went to for the origins of the term “Christianity” was Wikipedia.  There is usually some pretty good information there and there was this time also.  Here’s a few excerpts from the article found there:

“A Christian (About this sound pronunciation (help·info)) is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. “Christian” derives from the Koine Greek word Christ, a translation of the Biblical Hebrew term Messiah.[1]”


“Another term for Christians which appears in the New Testament is “Nazarenes” which is used by the Jewish lawyer Tertullus in Acts 24. Tertullian (Against Marcion 4:8) records that “the Jews call us Nazarenes,” while around 331 AD Eusebius records that Christ was called a Nazoraean from the name Nazareth, and that in earlier centuries “Christians,” were once called “Nazarenes.”[14] The Hebrew equivalent of “Nazarenes”, Notzrim, occurs in the Babylonian Talmud, and is still the modern Israeli Hebrew term for Christian.”

Well, so far so good…huh?  I want to comment on the first quote:  an “Abrahamic monotheistic religion”????  What’s monotheistic about a Trinity?  Abraham would roll over in his grave if he knew that his name was associated with this pagan concept.   Any way, here’s a link to the article itself:  Christianity.

As you can see the original title for a person who followed the Meshiach was Nazarene.  If I had to wear a title then this one might not be so bad except for it’s association with the  name and religion of Jesus Christ.  Why?  There is a lengthy explanation for this, but I’ll say this:  I adhere to the same belief that Yahoshua the true Meshiach adhered to and not the hybridized pagan belief system called Christianity.  A very good book to read to get you started on your lengthy education about Christianity is Lew White’s tenth edition book “Fossilized Customs“.  I had read one of his earliest versions many years ago that helped to get me set on the correct path.  Anyway, back to Christianity.

I had bought several copies of  Lew White’s latest edition to loan out or give away and I started to reread it.  It has always been an eyeopener and this time was no exception  Lew White asserts that the word Christianity actually comes from the word “cretin”  which he said meant “a fool”.  There are many implications to the connection between cretin and Christian if true.  Well, I know better than to take anyone’s word for a thing and I had to look this up for myself. That’s what took me to Wikipedia.  But, sadly even there you won’t find the information about the word Christian or Christianity to make this connection directly so I turned to one of my most favorite sources:  Webster’s Dictionary.

Here’s what Webster’s has to say about the word cretin:

Main entry: cretin

Function: noun

Etymology:  French cretin, from the French dialect cretin, literally, wretch, innocent victim, from Latin Christianus Christian

Date: 1779

1  : one afflicted with cretinism

2  : a stupid, vulgar, or insensitive person : CLOD, LOUT

Well, I didn’t see anything about the word “fool” there, but I didn’t use Lew’s dictionary as a source either.   I don’t think Lew White was far from the mark though.  It would appear that the word cretin and Christian had their origin in Latin and that it was applied to the followers of Yahoshua because they were fools to follow the future  possible king of the kingdom of Parthia, who were major enemies of Rome for hundreds of years, in defiance of the mighty Roman empire.  Just my opinion here.  What happened between then and now are revealed in Lew White’s book.  I’ve done enough study to prove to myself that Christianity today is nothing but pure paganism.

So a word to the wise:  don’t be a fool and follow Christian doctrines in defiance of someone far more powerful than Rome: YHWH.  He won’t forgive a person who willingly knows and breaks his Torah. Be a follower of Yahoshua and keep Torah.




Police State

I regularly visit several conservative websites and often read the comments there.  It’s amazing how many liberal minded people visit these sites to offer their comments.  An amazing dichotomy exists in our country.

There are basically two groups in this country with the same opinion: that many things need to be improved in this country.  That’s about as far as the similarities go.  It’s the subject of just what needs to be done that separates the two.

We have on the one hand a group of liberal minded people, one of which holds the highest office in this country, who feel that less freedom and more nanny state are what’s required to create their own idea of an utopia.  Then we have on the other hand a group of people who believe that we have given up too many of our rights already and that there is too much of a nanny state now and that it needs to be reduced or eliminated.  Who is correct?

Well, it’s my opinion that the second group, those who desire less nanny and our rights returned, that is correct.  But, this is only my opinion and you’ll find as many differing opinions as there are people.  The real issue is: who has the power?

I’ve watched and read so many videos and articles where good people are railroaded by a bevy of people with varying agendas who regularly trample on the rights of good people who live decent lives.  Here’s a good example: Baby Sammy’s Story.  This isn’t an isolated case and is only one of many that you could find if you search hard enough.  But, these incidences are only symptomatic of a far larger problem:  a sick heart.

It seems that our Commander in Chief has a very sick heart.  He’s the first president to visit, laud and even asked god to bless this organization.  Here’s what I’m writing about: Our president with a sick heart. Scroll down to the active video to see the video with Obama’s comments about Planned Parenthood.

Many liberals decry the conservative notion that this country is headed into debauchery.  But, how far have we gone as a country when we elect a man who openly praises an organization of death for their work?!  Now we have a man whom, whether you like it or not, is our countries spiritual leader with control over the largest military/police force ever.   Add to that a legislature and court system that is reluctant to hold our nation’s spiritual leader to the letter of the law.  What’s my point?

The liberal mindset holds power now and they can bring all of the power of their police and military forces to bear against people who only want to live and make decisions for themselves.  But, the people in power can’t afford to allow us to live freely because a free man knows when he’s being subdued.  A free man is  a threat to liberalism.

I believe that if you brought someone from the past and allowed them to observe that they would be dumbfounded over the relative lack of freedom we have today.  However, because we’re living through this time we take our lack of freedom as being merely the status-quo and nothing to be alarmed about.  I am alarmed and crying out.


I Believe it’s Time to “Come out of her”

It’s been a long time since I last posted because I’ve been busy with a building project. Building things is a passion with me and something that I intensely enjoy. I get into projects and other things suffer for attention. The project isn’t finished yet but it has temporarily hit a snag so I write.


What triggered this desire to write was a book that was given to me to read by my son some years ago titled “En Route to Global Occupation” by Gary H. Kah. This book is about the “New World Order” and the different groups of people who are creating it. The book talks about the different families who created the various groups such as the Masons, the Illuminati, Tri Lateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. I’ve just started to read it after all these years and so far it doesn’t really contain anything that I didn’t already know. What it has done is triggered old thoughts about “come out of her my people…”


I know that the whole world is swallowed up in deception and lies and that the vast majority of people have no clue as to what’s going on in their life. They think that life is the way it is for them because that’s just the way it’s supposed to be. They believe that there is no other way to live. They can’t comprehend anyone that would choose to live a life different from the one they live. This bewilderment about life styles extends into the field of nutrition as well but nutrition is another subject for another day.


I’ve met people in the past who have attempted to extricate themselves from the system we live in. This process is not easy nor does it seem it practical when their isn’t anyone to help them make the transition out of “her”.


A person can easily find themselves being “separated” from their community, loved ones and families when they attempt to make this change. This separation is more than most people are willing to bear so they find creative ways to deny the need to change and are often quick to criticize anyone who makes the attempt.


If you believe in YHWH and the Scriptures then you will eventually have to believe in making this change or find yourself accepting the edicts of those who currently control the system that has enveloped the world.


Years ago I was given a vision that was for me about my future that would “reveal” to me just how extensive this “system” is. I’ve shared this vision with only a few people but I’ll share it with you now.


In this vision I was shown a world, our world, that was sheltered by a tree shaped like a traditional evergreen, Christmas, tree that was covered by numerous shiny disks in a rainbow of varying colors that completely covered it so that none of it’s branches were visible and these disks would shimmer in the slightest of breeze. This tree and the world it covered were beautiful.


I watched as the gentle breeze became stronger until it was strong enough to blow some of the shiny disks off of the tree. This prompted me to ask, “what’s this?” Immediately after I asked this question the wind stopped and the little disks came back to their places and prevented me from seeing what was underneath them. I was instructed to “watch”. The wind began to pick up in intensity and many more disks were blown off this time, far more than the first time, revealing a brief glimpse of what was underneath the disks but not enough to make out any real detail. Again I asked “what’s this?” and the wind abruptly stopped allowing the disks to return and cover the tree again. I was given another command and knew that I was simply to “watch” and the process began again. The wind intensified this time to a level that blew all of these pretty disks away fully revealing what was under them. The tree and it’s branches were dead and the world was split open revealing the dead roots that had penetrated the globe and filled it’s space completely.


Again I asked the question “what’s this?” but this time the disks didn’t return; instead I was told what I was looking at. I was told that the dead tree with it’s roots was the “system” that had enveloped the world and that had in fact “filled it up” until few if any could any longer escape from it. I was told that it would be through three personal trials, each succeeding trial more difficult than the previous, that the extent and nature of this “system” would be revealed to me so that I could “understand” what was going on.


Well, I came to “understand” but the mystery about how to “come out of her my people” still eluded me. I asked the question “how to come out of her” over and over but never seemed to get an answer. It wasn’t until after my third difficult trial that I learned “how to come out of her.” I’ve since been ostracized by different members of my family because of my radical belief system and my way of life. I’ve been labeled as being evil, lazy and insane by my children’s wives and husband and possibly by my children themselves and contact with my grandchildren has been limited and even non-existent with some of them. Many in my community view me the same way as my family and this even extends to my father.


I knew that this ostracism was coming years before it happened in reality and I used to have nightmares about it. Some out there may believe that I brought this on myself in a form of self fulfilling prophecy and looking back at my life has caused me to agree with this assessment. I created the circumstances that have led me to this state of being. However, it is through a series of dreams from my youth that I know that I’m on the path chosen for my by YHWH.


So, this book has re-awakened this need to say to you… Rev_18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. “


If you stay entrenched in this system you will partake of the plagues of this system. I don’t have to explain what a plague is and for me, when I look at society, I know exactly what these plagues are. I know that I have suffered some of these plagues. I struggle with living the life I’m supposed to live…it’s not easy when no-one else is living it with me but I know there is no excuse to not live it. There are many people who have come out of her but the problem is that they are scattered around the globe. Hopefully, we will all come together in the not too distant future. I pray for this.




Please Pass Me Another Cup of Sugar!

I had the privilege of working for an old friend the last couple of weeks helping him to make repairs to his house and helping to spruce up the place.  He reciprocated by providing me with lunches during this time.   I am an ova raw food vegetarian and he knows this so he and his wife don’t offer me meat to eat.  However, both he and his wife aren’t to choosy about their diet.  What he mostly eats is over processed and heavily sweetened.  She avoids sweets as she’s diabetic and suffers with arthritis and complications from a stroke although her diet is just as full of over processed foods as is his.

I don’t like to offend anybody who means well and certainly I don’t want to do this with people who I consider to be friends so I thankfully ate what they offered…especially those sugar laden strawberries  we had for desert.  Now, I’ll admit that I love sweet things myself so I enjoyed eating them.   I haven’t had this much processed sugar in many years and my body rebelled against me for feeding it all of this sugar.  To add insult to injury I was given a bottle of specially sweetened wine for Passover which I drank over the same period of time as I was eating lunches at my friend’s house.

I had been feeling quite wonderful  prior to all of this sugar consumption and I especially appreciated not having trouble with my athletes foot problems that I suffered with for many years.  About five or six days into this sugar fest I noticed an itching sensation between my toes and sure enough just a few days after I first noticed this that I was into a full blown bout with itching cracking bleeding flesh between some of my toes.  I started to suffer with bouts of flatulence and mild headaches.

I came to know years ago that I had a candida albicans problem that I learned to control by avoiding the consumption of over processed and sweetened foods.  This episode with these symptoms helped to re-impress me with  the importance of  diet.

I spent some time in Louisiana a few years ago helping another friend who was an arborist with a large business that worked in storm damaged areas.  This man was also a raw foodist who had  made a remarkable recovery from diabetes, alcoholism, and from a very serious auto accident which practically left him totally disabled which he accomplished  through a raw food diet and intensive physical therapy.  I spent a lot of time with him there and he often talked with his customers about healthy diets  and it’s healing benefits.  There was one woman who made quite an impression on me.

She shared her story about how she had beaten  breast cancer through diet and especially how she had done so by avoiding sugar.  She said that avoiding sugar was a difficult thing for her even though she knew how important it was to do so.  She blamed this on her husband and said that he didn’t believe she had been healed of cancer and that she should go ahead and live it up which included eating lots of sweets as this is what he liked.  She said that it was the most difficult thing she ever had to do: to resist his urgings.

I had never heard of this cancer sugar connection before then, so I decided after my recent bout with athletes feet that I would do some study.   I found that there is definitely a connection between eating too much processed sugar and cancer.   One source blamed this connection not directly on the sugar but with too much insulin production caused by eating sugar.

I have another link here that is written by Patrick Quillin, PHD, RD, CNS who explains a little about how the cancer sugar connection works:

I’ve known for quite some time about the arthritis sugar connection.  It was explained to me that eating white processed sugar was the equivalent of putting sand in your joints.   I did a little searching about this subject as well and there are plenty of sites to go to.  Here’s one by Cyndi Thomas N.D., C.N.C.:

What is amazing to me is the lack of knowledge or the lack of the dissemination of knowledge about these things.  My friend and his wife are devout Christians and both suffer from serious health issues.  As I pointed out, she suffers with many physical problems which to most of us doesn’t seem too extreme for someone who is in her mid eighties.  He’s ten years younger than she is and he suffers from hypertension and arthritis.  In fact he’s had two knee replacements which still causes him much pain if he’s on his feet too long.  He says that his legs ache terribly but not the same way as they did before his knee replacements.  Why do I bring this up?

It seems as if we are all educated and are capable of reading and hearing information.   This should mean that we are capable of comprehending and implementing what we read and what we hear.  What often happens as we read and listen is that we’ll “filter” what we read or hear through what we believe.  This is how so many Christians continue to believe that the bible says things that it doesn’t say and this is also how intelligent people often fail when it comes to issues of health, nutrition, finances and more.  We all seem to be guilty of it.  It seems that what we have to learn most  is how to properly listen.  We have to be willing to put away our prejudices and begin to really pay attention.  Our problems are what we need the most to put ourselves on the right path.

Listen carefully!


A New View On Abortion

This is how I responded to a woman who’s plea it was for the government to pay for abortions:

Shirley, I didn’t reply to your comment before now as I didn’t know how to reply to you and I needed to do some research.

Women have always been able to abort, even when it wasn’t legal.  The native Americans knew how to do it.  Peterson’s Field Guide to Eastern/Central Medicinal Plants lists three such possibilities.  Page 62: Black or Canadian Sanicle (sanicula canadensis L.)  Page 206 Blue Cohosh (caulophyllum thalictroides L.) and the last was surprising to me as it is a known tree of great medicinal value: page 294 Slippery Elm (ulmus rubra Muhl.)  The guide doesn’t say that the Native Americans used these plants for this purpose just that they knew they were able to do it.  The last one, Slippery Elm, is a mechanical abortifacient.  The guide also doesn’t say how to use these for the purpose of abortions.  All of this took place during a period of history before there were written laws.

Now your contention is that this female reproductive rights issue is adversely affected by a predominantly republican male thuggery.  Well, I don’t think your argument holds water as women now have the right to vote and have had that right for almost one hundred years now.  In fact here is the Federal Criminal Government’s own statistics:

“Among the citizen population, 74 percent of women and 71 percent of men were registered to vote in 2004.  Women were more likely than men to vote (65 percent compared with 62 percent), as shown in Table B. Although men historically have voted at higher rates than women, women’s rates surpassed those of men in the 18-and-older population for the first time in the presidential election of 1984.”

Apparently your sisters don’t agree with you about this issue of women’s reproductive rights as they could easily sway any State or Federal Legislature to it’s will so if you put this issue, what ever it really is, to the vote, it would lose.

Now, abortions were legal, or at least not legislated, in the 19th century.  Abortions supposedly became illegal through the actions of a male dominated medical thuggocracy who’s profits were at stake due to midwives assisting in births and abortions.  I haven’t studied this issue out and I don’t really care because it’s not germane to this issue.  Abortions are now legal and became so sometime in the 1960’s.  Here’s a site where I found information:  In 1970, New York was the first state to legalize abortion on demand up until the 24th week of pregnancy.  Now this is a common thing and I understand that women may have abortions up until the moment of birth in some places.  It doesn’t sound as if you have any real reason to complain about this issue as women can now do as they please…legally.

Abortifacients:  these have always been available and are now plentiful.  I haven’t checked but I understand that a women or even a young girl can go to her local public health clinic and acquire abortifacients.  The real issue here is getting pregnant.

It takes two to get one pregnant as you pointed out.  It takes an egg donor and a sperm donor so if a woman ends up pregnant she had to actively engage in unprotected sex…that is unless she was raped.  So, what is it that you want now that abortions on demand are legal almost everywhere?  Is it that you want other people to pay for your jollies?  And why if abortifacients and conception controls are so plentiful is it that any woman who doesn’t want to have children has to rely on doctor assisted abortions?  My earlier contention must also be true: that you desire only to be angry with men and don’t see women as being part of the problem.

This issue takes on a liberal progressive bias.  Liberal progressive women must want everybody else to pay for their liberal progressive actions so that they don’t have to be responsible for their own actions.  This is as much thuggery and tyranny as what you claim exists now in the predominantly republican male thuggocracy and it looks as if many women don’t share this bias at least not enough now because the governments don’t have to pay for women’s doctor assisted abortions yet.  I have no doubt though that the criminal government will soon be forced to pay for these abortions and will have to do it for every woman who want’s one regardless of her ability to pay for her to have it done privately.  It didn’t take that long to go from no legal abortions, except in life threatening situations, to abortion on demand and this is how things progress thus we call it progressive.   It’s just like the social security issue: it went from applying to just a few to everybody…that’s progressive.

Now Shirley, you almost made a believer out of me.  I can now endorse this idea of government paid abortions but only on these grounds:

That a woman who demands that an abortion be paid for by the government has to submit to a fiscal financial audit to prove she can’t afford it otherwise.  That the pregnant woman who recieves such abortion will submit to sterilization.  That the woman who demands such abortion will submit information as to who got her pregnant so that the male sperm donor will then be required to undergo sterilization.  All such benefits to be paid for and provided for by the government.  Failure for the woman to provide sperm donor information will result in: abortion, sterilization and no less than six months criminal incarceration in the local prison… that is unless you desire to make prostitution legal.  We know that the woman didn’t get pregnant on her own and if she can’t say which sperm donor did it then she’s automatically guilty of prostitution or at least whordom.

The sooner enough women finish murdering their unwanted children the better.  Perhaps we’ll eventually eradicate this liberal progressive poison and restore a moral safe environment for our children to grow up in.


The 1946 Battle of Athens Tennessee

I watched this and it was moving.  I had no idea that anything like this had ever happened in our country.  Watch it>


Careful or You’ll End Up A Slave

I once asked a special person who said she needed help, “what is it you need?”    Her answer was nothing; she didn’t respond in any way at all and hasn’t since I asked the question.  I wasn’t upset about his; in fact I was kind of expecting it.

The truth is we don’t actually need anything at all.  Any person who is alive already has everything they need and when they die they definitely won’t need anything to be dead.  What we have to realize is that there is a difference between “needs” and “wants”.  A need is something that we just can’t do without, it’s a necessity and a want is something that is an elective; that is we can choose not to pursue what we want and we can choose to do without it or we can choose to go after it whether it’s obtainable or not.

What about a person who is facing death who doesn’t want to die, say from starvation, then isn’t eating food a necessity to stay alive?  Yes, but first let’s answer the question: is staying alive a necessity or want?

As I sit here writing this I look forward to a world without me.  Now, when I’m dead and gone the planet will continue to spin on it’s axis, orbit the sun and life will go on without me.  Most people will forget that I was even alive in a few years so as far as the rest of the universe is concerned: I’m not a necessity.  None of us are a necessity.  So we only want to be alive instead of dead so we do those things that will keep us alive because we “choose” or “want” to stay alive.  The universe doesn’t “need” us to stay alive; our energy (mc2=e) will continue to exist and so the universe isn’t diminished not one bit by our passing.

And If you believe that we were created by an entity who is eternal then the creator doesn’t “need” us, the creator only “wants” us and “wants” us to choose life.  Our creator has already “endowed” us with everything we need for life and we lack nothing as long as we are alive.  What’s this really all about?

First: I write these things because I choose to write, not because I need anybody to read them or not even because anyone needs what I write.  Nobody “needs” my drivel to stay alive and if they read this stuff then they read it because they “want” to read it.  That there is something that I write that somebody might find useful is debatable; although they might and I hope they do.

Second:  Do you need to be happy, sad, healthy, sick, wealthy, poor or anything else?  No, those are “wants” and they are things that you choose to have.  A few examples may be in order here: A person without a penny to their name may still consider themselves to be rich, that’s a choice as to how they view their circumstances.  A person may be sick but that was their choice as our health is already a part of us and we only need to choose to do the right things so that we can be healthy.  What about a little child or a baby who is sick?  It isn’t right for the child’s parents to choose for the child to be sick but, they may not know that they even have a choice and since the child can’t choose for itself and relies on the parent then the child remains sick unless the parent chooses the right way.  The child’s health is already in the child and the parents only have to choose it.  Does the child “need” to be healthy? No.  The child doesn’t know that there is a choice and the child itself doesn’t need to be healthy and if the child dies then the parents are quite capable of continued life.  The parents may choose to be sad if they want but, that’s not something they need to do to stay alive. Many will tell us the it’s “necessary for us to grieve.” and that somehow we function better when we do and that it’s something that’s built into us.  Well, then it’s a necessity that we have been endowed with then we have no choice.  Still, no matter what, I can see that we can choose anything we want.  What if I choose to rejoice because someone has passed away and no longer suffers?  I can choose to be happy for them and since I believe in a “hereafter” then I know that they’ve graduated to the next level.  I can be happy about that also.

What brought all of this on for me?  I had some behavioral habits that every time I did them I would say, “I need to stop doing that.” I realized that I always said that after I had done the thing and that I would feel guilty about it.  I finally realized that by saying, “I need to stop doing that” that I was setting myself up to do it again.  It’s almost as if I was making an excuse that somehow the behavior was something that was compelling and that I might have to fight or struggle against in order to stop and it was as if the guilt was the price that I paid for doing it.  Since I had already paid the price then I was free to do it again.  Twisted isn’t it?

After reflection on this I decided to try something different: instead, when I got the “urge” to do something I’d say, “I don’t have to do that; I can choose to do it or not.”  An amazing thing happened: the first time I did it I felt like there might be an emptiness, kind of like I’d have a huge vacancy in my life if I didn’t do it but, then, since I didn’t have to do it just because I felt that way I didn’t do it and the feeling left.  The next time I was faced with the situation I repeated what had worked in the past and low and behold it was easier to resist and the emptiness didn’t return.  What a liberating and wonderful experience that is, not to be a slave to something I didn’t want to be a slave to.  It’s all about choices.

A warning here: just because we want something doesn’t mean we’re going to get it.  If ti’s a necessity we already have it and we only have to accept it..

You may “choose” to accept this or not but, it doesn’t change what is or isn’t true.  Is what I’m writing really true?  Yes it is.  So, we can choose wisely or not wisely…it’s our choice and what we receive out of life will be based on our choices.



Cuba and Germany

I thought I’d share this with you today.  It’s copied from an e-mail sent to me by my brother.  What do Cuba and Germany have in common with each other?  Most of their citizens had no idea what was about to take place as a result of who came to power there.  Here it is:

This is what is slowly happening today…..

 What others see plainly, we often ignore.

*Here’s something to think about.*

I remember asking dad about Castro when I was about 9 years old. I asked, “Is Castro a good guy or bad?”


Dad said…he couldn’t tell!! This was about 1955. We were living in Louisiana …at the time. Dad was in the Army there.


Cuba was fairly close and in the news a lot. The Cubans were asking the same question!


Ike was president.


This past July, we had the pleasure of sharing a summer barbecue with a refugee from Cuba . Our dinner conversation was starkly different than most.


This refugee came to the United States as a young boy in the early 1960’s. His family was more fortunate than most, as they were able to bring a suitcase…and $100 when they fled Castro’s newly formed revolutionary paradise.


Our dinner consisted of all-American fare: hamburgers, potato salad, watermelon and fresh ears of sweet corn. This is a menu shared with family and friends nationwide…while celebrating the birth of our beloved America …..on the Fourth of July.


We began with a simple discussion about our country, and the direction it has taken since Barack Obama came to power. We shared the usual complaints about the sour economy and liberal social engineering emanating from the rulers in Washington .


But then he said it. The sentence came naturally. I assume it was unplanned. But it carried the weight of a freight train. “You know when Castro took power, none of us knew he was a Communist”.


We sat stunned. He continued, “Yes, we all thought he was a patriot, a nationalist. Before the revolution he didn’t sound like a radical.”


The comparison at this point was easy, and I interjected, “You mean just like Barack Obama?”


He responded; “Yes, just like Barack Obama.”


He continued, “We were all shocked as the government just continued to grab more power. First they said the revolution is over, so please turn in your guns. We all complied.”


I remember my uncle saying after it started; “Castro will only nationalize some of the big industries. He will never come and take our family hardware store!!” But that is exactly what happened. Castro started with the sugar mills and the large industries, but they eventually came and knocked on the door of our family hardware store. My family had run this store for generations. They said we now own the hardware store, you work for us. And that nice, large four-bedroom home you own…it is now our property also, and…you can move yourself and five children into two rooms of the house, because others are moving in with you.”    (This is the same thing that happened in Russia when the communists took over.)


The lesson learned from this discussion, is a lesson most Americans refuse to hear. Political leaders can lie about their agenda and once in office…they can take totally unexpected turns.


If you had asked us three years ago if we thought General Motors would be nationalized, we would have never believed it. We could never contemplate a country where the rule of law, the most fundamental building block of a justice society…would be evaporating, just like it did in Castro’s Cuba in the early 1960’s.


But the news of injustice keeps increasing. Black Panthers are not charged with wrong doing by the U.S. Department of Justice…because their crimes are against whites. The bondholders of GM are stripped of their assets…without due process by the government! Governmental leaders are bribed in full daylight…only to have all investigation of the crimes stifled…by the Attorney General.


The U.S. borders are over run with crime and illegal activity, and the leaders in D.C. act as if it is important to protect the lawbreakers…while the innocent are killed and over run. When local communities attempt to enforce the law, they are ridiculed…and threatened as racists and bigots. They are sued by the very administration…entrusted with enforcing the law.


Without the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution is a sham!! Without the rule of law, our beloved America is swiftly becoming a country where only the well connected and politically powerful will be safe. As Michelle Malkin has so eloquently explained in her recent book…a culture of corruption has replaced honest government.


The only way this problem will be fixed, is by massive citizen action. All honest citizens that want to be treated equally, must come together…and demand that the favoritism, the bribes, the uneven enforcement of law…end now!! And yes, it can happen here.


PLEASE SEND THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!! And…may God save the United States of America !


*…the least you can do is forward this email. 6 million plus Jews didn’t believe it would happen in Germany either!!! If you’re a (believer in) Yehoshua HaMessiah, (J-sus Chr-st) in these United States of America , you’re next on the list. The real problem here is, the boy from Cuba did manage to make it to the U.S.We will not have any place to escape to…except death! And, for the most part…even though I’m forwarding this to recipients, probably only 5 or 10 will even read it.

This ends what my brother sent to me but I have to add here:

Are we living in Obama’s America, a place where we will have to buy into his health care system against our will?  If he has his way we will.  Does this health care enforcement program go against the Constitution of the United States of America?  YES IT DOES But, this issue isn’t really about health care it’s about the government imposing it’s will onto a people who want none of it.  This is the TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY  that our founding fathers were most concerned about and tried to protect us from. This TYRANNY has already started and many who are for it don’t see how it’s a bad thing. 

We’ve watered down our laws by asking and allowing our elected criminals to pass a multitude of laws (about three million of them many of which are thousands of pages long) that have made it virtually impossible for anybody to keep and this has desensitized us as to how important the law really is.  We have no protection without a stable body of law that anyone can do and understand.  Our elected criminals want it this way so that we’ll be asleep when they finally do go to take away the rest of our freedoms and liberties so that it’ll be too late for us like it was in Cuba, Russia, China, Germany, Itally and a host of other nations.  The United States was able to rescue some of those nations from the hands of their criminal, tyrannical dictators who were cruelly torturous with large segments of their societies and where only those closest to their tyrants had any freedoms.  Who’s going to rescue us????  Can’t happen here?  Oh yes it can and it already has and it will again… unless we stop it.  We still have a chance to do it lawfully and peacefully; let’s do it that way instead of with violence.



Are You Sick or What?

I’ve got a story to share that I believe will help me set the tone for this post and you can probably guess a little about what this post is about from the title above.  Most of you will be familiar with this story because you’ll be able to relate this to your own similar experiences.

I was working in Padukah Kentucky with a friend of mine who owned a tree business.  We had moved there from Baton Rouge after we had helped many in that city to recover from the damage caused by hurricane Gustav.   Padukah’s damage was caused by an ice storm that had swept through a large portion of that area of the country.   But, this post isn’t about tree damage it’s about what I experienced there.

I had to find a laundry to wash my cloths at since I was gone from what had been home for many years and didn’t have access to my own washing machine.  I carried my rather large batch of dirty laundry into the place which wasn’t too busy at the time and found the type of machines I wanted to use and started the process.

Now, there isn’t much to do except to wait on the machines so I had taken in some reading material to keep me occupied.  The literature was centered around health.    I just couldn’t focus on that so I got up and sat on the machines watching  somebodies cloths tumbling in the dryer.  Two older couples came in to do laundry.  They loaded their machines and took seats not far from where I was.  I couldn’t help but hear the conversation.

Woman one: “…and my doctor said it was the worst case he’d seen in a long time.  I was miserable and thought I was going to die.”

Woman two: “Well, that’s just horrible you poor thing, I don’t know how you ever made it through that?  But, you remember when I had so and so, my doctor had a hell of a time getting it under control.  I was miserable for so long that I thought I’d never get over it.”

Woman one: “I know, that’s how it is sometimes.  Sometimes I wonder if the doctors know what they’re doing?  I still have a problem with so and so and there just doesn’t seem to be a way to get over it.”

I listened to this conversation go on and on until I left and it was still probably going on until they went their separate ways.  What was all that about?

We are self centered creatures who need other human contact and attention.  We want attention so we create situations to draw other people’s attention to us, we have a need to be important.  I admit that this blog is partially about that.  I’m only human.

We often find that one of the best ways to get that attention is to become a victim of something.   The greater the victim the greater the attention; why, you’ll be showered with attention if you can get enough of it  and end up on the evening news…and sometimes lots of money.   We’re looking for sympathy.  Those women were busy at it and each one had to outdo the other.   They were wearing their illness like it was some kind of a badge of courage.

Does this make these women bad?  No,  possibly just starving for the attention they weren’t getting from their mates.  I don’t remember the men even saying anything and this situation of silence on their part probably was prevalent at home as well.   This brings a question to mind: did these women bring these illnesses on them selves?

This may be a shocking answer from me and one that many may not agree with but, yes they did bring these illnesses onto themselves.  Was it on purpose?  Maybe partly, to get attention but, probably mostly through ignorance but, this subject of ignorance is another post altogether.

This form of attention getting is often pernicious and is preventable.  We can either choose to be sick or well and this is all within our control.  Of course I believe these women would probably disagree as it would mean that they were the victimiser’s and not the victims; it would take away their illegitimate claim to  attention.

Am I being to harsh?  That’s always a possibility especially with me however, I don’t lay the blame entirely on people who resort to this method of attention getting.  I’ve been guilty of it myself.  This process has it’s birth date at an early age.  We get to watch the world around us and we see what works for others then we adopt it for ourselves and we consider it a legitimate way of achieving our goals because most everybody does it.    Some do it to extremes and we call them hypochondriacs or an especially pernicious form of it called  Munchausen Syndrome.  You can find information here:  Munchausen Syndrome.  An even worse form of this is called Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.   This second form is worse because the person needing attention makes a victim out of somebody else.

Is my claim that all human disease is preventable and curable valid?  It most certainly is.  The body already has the ability to stay healthy or to heal itself built into it.  Get a scratch that draws some blood and watch what happens over the course of time.  Does the injury heal?  The greatest majority of the time it does and when it doesn’t there’s a simple reason for it.  Was it necessary to go to the doctor to get some kind of medication?  No, and in fact it’s almost never necessary to do anything other than to keep the wound site clean.   The body does the rest; it draws on the materials already present and the future ones we provide for it.  This is only a mild illustration of the healing nature within us.

Do I claim to have all of the answers?  No,  I’m still learning and it’s a possibility that I’ll never have all of the answers but, I know this is true from my own experience and from watching others that I’ve come into contact with.  I’ve met people who had cancer, diabetes, obesity, back pain and many other diseases who have had healing and all without the invasive tortuous methods employed by the established medical system.  For the most part these people experienced their healing when they quit abusing their body and when they began to provide it with the basic raw materials it needed to effect a cure.  I’m my own walking testimony of this process.  I’ve had many healings and continue to have more.

Since it’s our choic to be sick or well why wouldn’t we choose to be well?  Is it worth it to be sick so that we can get a few “oh you poor thing” from others?  I’d rather be alone and well but, really I’d rather be surrounded by others who not only feel well but who feel vibrantly alive; people who I can draw strength from and give strength to.   I’d rather see the whole world this way.  I’d rather have no reason to blog about this.

Aren’t we curious enough to search for the answers to the mysteries of our illnesses and to find a cure?  Aren’t we curious enough to ask the questions of those who feel vibrantly alive as to how they achieved their results?   Wouldn’t we rather live a long and healthy life so that  on that last day of it we would have the strength and energy to climb the mountains so that we can look out on the promised land?   We all have to answer these questions for ourselves.

I want to be vibrantly alive on the last day when this body of mine finally shuts down for good.   I want to do what a great uncle of mine did: at the age of one hundred four he went our for his daily walk and was found collapsed on the sidewalk.  He’d taken his final walk.  I’d rather do that at the age of one hundred fifty.  What about you?




I wish I could write at night like I used to because much of my inspiration comes during that part of the day but, I’ll have to settle for now, the morning. What happens to me is that at night I have time to reflect on what was most meaningful to me after the busy day of working. Now I’ve got to think about what it is that I’m going to do for the day and it’s distracting me from my inspiration. I’ll get over it and I know that change is inevitable and I’ll go back to writing at night.


Ripples in the pond.


I used to have a favorite place near Branson Missouri called the Hercules Glade National Forest that I used to go to backpack, camp and sunbathe. It was a quiet place where few people visited so I didn’t have to worry about being disturbed and in the few years that I did this noone ever bothered me. It was a beautiful irenic place. There was a stream that I spent much of my time at and it was called Long Creek. There was a sheltered pool there that was rarely disturbed by a even a tiny breeze and the water in this pool was crystal clear and glass smooth. There was a huge flat boulder that jutted out into the pool and it was just perfect to lay on and absorb the sun.


One day I picked up a pebble that shared my boulder and tossed it into the pool. I watched the ripples spread out and touch everything: the bank, plants and other rocks. I watched in fascination as the ripples touched those things and then turned around and returned towards their birth place; not all of them got there at the same time but, they made it back only to turn around and start again but, most passing through their birth place to touch other things.. This would go on for a while and as it did the discernible patterns became jumbled. Eventually the pool would return to it’s serene state and I would throw in another pebble and watch.


I thought much about this the first time I did it and I reflected on my rather unaccomplished life. I remember thinking back to times when I would wonder why certain things were happening to me; I mean, mostly it seemed like bad things: failed relationships, trickery and deceit. I knew even then that while I couldn’t recall much of what I had done to precipitate this abuse that there must be a reason behind it all. I thought about those ripples.


I realize now that what happens to us, what we do in life and how we treat people and respond to them is what starts those ripples. I knew from watching those ripples moving back and forth across this pool and by how long this process went on that those things we did and the ripples that return to us may have had their origin many years in the past. Little did I realize then how far back those ripples got their start.


I couldn’t remember many details of those origins then but, now that I’ve taken an active part in recalling those origins that it’s really amazing that how many of them had their start when I was just an infant. Some of those events were what others did to me that set up my lifelong thinking patterns and were the reason that I started my own set of ripples.


People, which includes me, we have to realize that those ripples can have their origin in good events and it’s those good ripples that will keep returning to us; that is as long as we keep doing good. But, equally or maybe even more importantly it’s those ripples that get their birth in evil that will continue to return and haunt us over and over.


Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; Yahowah is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Gal 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

Gal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.


These verses tell us what will happen to us. There is only one solution to putting an end to those returning evil ripples: we have to stop perpetuating evil. We have to examine ourselves to discover what twisted wicked thinking we have and repent of it. Repent means to change direction. We have to start those good ripples moving. Those good ripples will cancel out those evil ones and it will take a while before we can begin to see good results. Like myself, you may find that there are so many of our evil ripples out there that it will take a powerful lot of good ones to cancel them out. But even then one or two of ours may find us much later in life. We can’t worry or fret over this because we have to realize that we were probably the origin of them and we only need to weather the storm until they are spent. It’s a process we can’t escape. If we continue our twisted thinking we’ll continue to reap twisted ripples and if we’ll practice strait thinking we’ll reap strait ripples.

