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I don’t know how I do it but, I have a habit of reacting before I’ve fully studied a subject out.  In this case it’s the subject of my last post about the Sabbath.  Right after I posted it some questions came to mind.  The first was about the three days and three nights that Yahushua spent in the grave.  A sixth day death leaves no room for even a two day stay in the grave, it would be more like a day and a half at most as Yahushua was buried at sunset the sixth day and gone from the tomb at sunrise on the first day.  Remember, the day begins at sunset and ends the next sunset.

There are some that assert that the “three days and three nights” spoken of in the Scriptures is nothing more than a Hebrew idiom that could just mean a portion of three days and not a literal seventy two hours.  There is too much evidence that this saying was not a Hebrew idiom as asserted because using the current reckoning of time, a seven day week ending in a Saturday Sabbath leaves no more room to fit even two days into it.  So if the Lunar Sabbath is true this question of “Three days and three nights” needs to be answered.   The other issue of “Counting the Omer” needs to be addressed.  Do you simply quit counting when the week is only a few days long until you have a full week?  This is possible but, there isn’t any Scriptural evidence for it.  Finally, the most blaring inconsistency is the account of the fashioning of the Earth and Heavens themselves.   Seven days are counted ending with a Sabbath.  It doesn’t say anywhere in the account that the weekly Sabbath is calculated from the cycles of the moon.

That Yahuwah’s real calendar poses obstacles for modern man there is not doubt.  The Feasts and High Days are all figured from the cycle of the moon which modern man pays no attention to, not even the modern Jews.

Does this mean that I’m backpedaling from my last post?  Yes it does, that is until I’ve had a chance to fully study these questions I have.  I am fallible but the Scriptures aren’t.  I’ve always maintained that any error I teach is an error of mine and not the scriptures and that is why I use so many Scripture quotes in my posts.

Anyone can build an argument from pieces of Scripture here and there to say whatever they want to say but, if their position can not be supported by at least ONE quote saying so then their whole position may come into question.   So far nobody has shown me one quote that directly ties a weekly Sabbath to the cycle of the moon and the Worlds Last Chance people admit such.  Does this mean that they are wrong?  Not at all it just means that I haven’t studied all of their literature on the matter yet.   They are sending me several of their free books on the subject.  I look forward to reading them.

One thing is for sure about a lunar Sabbath, it would make observing the Feast of Yahuwah more convenient as many of them would begin on a weekly Sabbath.   I do have to say that Yahuwah didn’t institute anything simply for our convenience, he instituted them for our benefit.   We need them He doesn’t.

My bottom line is that I’ll reserve further posts on this subject for the future after I’ve studied the issue more fully.
