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A Simple Method to Fix Tooth Decay

How many out there have problems with cavities in their teeth please raise your hands.  Now, how many of you would like to fix those problems?  Hmm…I thought so…everyone would.  Well, I’m here to tell you that IT IS possible to fix most of those dental caries without going to your dentist.  How do I know?

I’m living proof that the system I’m about to describe works, but first a little background is in order.  I’ve been actively pursuing ways to achieve optimum health for more than twenty five years and it’s been a long tough road with many detours and distractions along the way.  I’ve experienced six tooth extractions, two crowns and five mercury amalgam fillings over the years.  My mouth was and still is a disaster area.  If only FEMA could step in with some funding for the problems I could do everything I need to permanently fix all of the bad results from years of neglect and abuse.  Before you can fix problems you must know their root cause.

There is, for the most part, one root cause for poor dental hygiene: MALNUTRITION! 

That’s correct, we don’t eat enough of the correct foods to promote a healthy mouth.  Our problems with dental caries stems from a poor diet that is devoid of the nutrients necessary for healthy teeth.  And just so you know: tooth decay IS NOT THE RESULT OF BACTERIA!    How could that be?  Lets first consider how a tooth is designed.

A tooth has many parts:



Blood vessels




and a Crown

Most of us know these parts but there is at least one other part that most of us aren’t familiar with: Dentinal Tubules.  There are about three miles of them in each tooth and they range in size from 1.3 – 4.5 microns.  These little tubes go from the heart of the tooth to the surface.  What are they for?

If you are like me then you may erroneously believe that a tooth is a static part of the body that starts out whole and eventually over years wears out.  To deny this seems ludicrous in light of what commonly occurs as we age.  But, if this were true then why should a tooth have a blood supply and nerves?  This last question is one that has popped up with me from time to time but wasn’t something that I felt compelled to do research on.  That is, not until I had a problem that needed fixed.

I was blissfully eating a salad and was crunching down on a raw carrot when the carrot broke through the crown, enamel(rotted), and partially decayed dentin to finally impinge on the blood vessels and nerves in that tooth.  Needless to say this brought on instantaneous and exquisite pain.  I dug the offending food bit from the tooth that was now screaming bloody murder at me.  This was the beginning of at least two weeks of high level pain for me.  I couldn’t go to the dentist as I couldn’t afford it.  I finally located a discount dentist that x rayed my entire mouth and pronounced that I needed to have a root canal done on that tooth.  The cost was out of the question even with his reduced prices.  He also declared that the tooth was dead since it wasn’t bothering me at the time( I had eliminated all of the sweet foods my sister-in-law was feeding me).   I briefly considered having him pull the tooth as a less expensive approach to my problem but this would create additional chewing problems for me.  This sent me on a search to discover if there was a way to save this tooth naturally.  I found what I was looking for and also found out what all of those miles of microscopic tubes were for.

Those little tubes carry nutrients necessary for the rebuilding of the tooth structure from the blood supply of the tooth to its surface so that the tooth can be re- mineralized.  I also found out that the tooth can’t be re-mineralized if the hormone system is out of whack leaving the tooth to fend for itself against the onslaught of acids and mechanical wear.  This hormonal system is comprised of the parotid glands that are regulated by the hyp0thalamus in the brain.  So, when we develop cavities it’s because our hormone system is shut down due to poor diet and not due to bacteria.  If you think about it this is another extreme way our body has for talking to us.   We’ve ignored a host of other complaints from our body until it finally gets our attention some other way.  So what do we do?

We have to suck it up and change our diets.  It’s that simple.  I found that, at least for a time, I needed to include fat soluble vitamins in my diet and minerals from sources I’ve come to shun.  I  believe these nutrients have vegetable sources but for now I’ve included things like fermented cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil in my diet.  I’ve also included stock made from soup bones that contains marrow.  I’ve also eliminated potatoes and tomatoes from my diet and grains that aren’t properly prepared.  Why grains?

It’s my opinion that we, like cows, weren’t meant to eat a diet high in grains.  Grains are the seed of a new plant which can’t survive as a species if we eat all of it’s seed.  Grains contain anti-nutrients that block the absorption of the nutrients contained in the seed that are needed by the developing plant.  I believe this is part of a defense system for the plant species. When we suffer from nutrient deprivation we begin to develop physiological problems that make us feel bad.  This is our body talking to us that lets us know that we need a dietary change.  It’s at this point that we run to the doctor so that he or she can prescribe some kind of a medicine to block the symptoms we’ve developed.   So, the only way to get at those nutrients in the seed is through special processing that eliminates those anti-nutrients.  These aren’t difficult to do, but they are time consuming and time seems to be one of the things we are short on.  So, I’ll include some sources for you at the end so that you can begin your journey toward mouth health.

By the way, that tooth has begun to re-mineralize and no longer causes me pain.  The remaining dentin has begun to become hard and no longer is tender when I have to pick something out of that fissure.  It’s a big one and one that I’ve been informed will never fill in.  I have been informed that the cavity may develop a shield of enamel to protect what remains of the tooth.    I can then have the hole filled by a dentist who can put a no drill filling made up of certain composites(not mercury)  there to further protect the tooth.  I don’t consider this as a final answer to my problem.

Ok, here goes some sources where you can begin to find information:  The Healthy Home Economist and “Cure Tooth Decay Heal & Prevent Cavities With Nutrition” by Ramiel Nagal.

Now here’s the tough part: most people WILL NOT do anything for themselves.  They’d rather leave their problems to someone else to solve.  That’s when it gets expensive both in monetary value and in health issues.

Happy Chewing




Got Cancer?

I’m going to be harsh here.  What I’m describing is the real world we live in and I’ll make my point now so you don’t have to read the rest of this:  we are rotting on the inside and trying to mask it by covering ourselves with cosmetics, lotions and cremes, fancy clothing and expensive medicines and surgery to cover up our ill health.   It’s disgusting.

We pat ourselves on the back when we answer a questionnaire about our lifestyles that declares that we’ll live to be 97 years old.  Yet, what that questionnaire won’t tell us is that we’ll have to rely on the doctor to get us there by swallowing their sorcery while they carve away pounds of rotting flesh.  Living a life in pain for thirty years while being unable to take care of ourselves isn’t living.  Is living this way really necessary?

Achieving abundant health can be very difficult.  Why?  Because we live in a society that has discarded it’s foundation.  The foundation that we’ve discarded is the one that is natural and that we evolved or were created in.  It’s the foundation that we are told is outdated that will lead us to ill health.  Our society has led us to believe that we must rely on those who pose as authorities of the state, that is those that have been licensed by the state, to tell us how to achieve something that they know little about.

Our society is so removed from it’s foundation that too many of us have never eaten something fresh from the garden.  The food we eat comes from giant collective farms where the animals are raised in cages and fed foods in quantities that are alien to their physiology.  Cattle are fed grains and waste products from other food manufacturing processes and never see a pasture let alone a blade of grass that they were created to exist off of.  Chickens are raised in houses containing multiple tens of thousands of other chickens in a choking atmosphere of ammonia fed on a “vegetarian” diet of processed grains that in no way resembles the foods they were designed to eat.  You’d be amazed at what a real free range chicken will eat and it won’t all be vegetable.  None of these animals would ever mature to their natural age on these diets, but it’s not necessary for them to do so because they quickly go to slaughter where we the people consume their corrupted flesh.  And the vegetables?

The vegetables we eat are genetically modified and come from more of these industrialized giant farms and are bathed in a host of poisons they are designed to tolerate.  These genetically modified vegetables are toxic in their own right and are nothing that our bodies know fully what to do with.  Add to that the fact that they are picked and processed long before they have matured in their natural state then shipped for many days to distant locations where they sit on a shelf for many more days until almost all of the nutrition has long evaporated from them.   Then we eat all of these things and get sick.

Now that we’re sick we go to the doctor and demand that they make us better.  But, what do they do?  They prescribe more toxic chemicals that further assaults our physiology.   We are then prescribed more potent poisons to offset the harmful side effects of the previous poisons and when we develop other severe problems we are told that we must suffer at the hands of the butcher for relief.  The butchers hack and gut and carve away our flesh then prescribe even more poisons when they are done doing that.  All of these butchers are all too glad to take your currency, or anybodies currencies for that matter, so that they can live a life of ease.  But, I seriously doubt that the lives these butchers lead are really that wonderful.  After all, they suffer from the same problems the rest of us do:  extreme ignorance.

A man was sent to us, well in fact many men have been sent, but I’m only going to focus on this one in particular, who warned the people of his day about all of this.  We get his warnings through the fog of time.  Here’s one of his warnings:

Mat 23:25  “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are filled with plunder and unrighteousness.
Mat 23:26  “Blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and dish, so that the outside of them becomes clean too.
Mat 23:27  “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you are like whitewashed tombs which outwardly indeed look well, but inside are filled with dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.
Mat 23:28  “So you too outwardly indeed appear righteous to men, but inside you are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness.1 Footnote:1See 5:20.
Mat 23:29  “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the monuments of the righteous,
Mat 23:30  and say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have taken part with them in the blood of the prophets.’
Mat 23:31  “Thus you bear witness against yourselves that you are sons of those who did murder the prophets –
Mat 23:32  and you fill up the measure of your fathers!
Mat 23:33  “Serpents, brood of adders! How would you escape the judgment of Gehenna?

These modern authorities are the same scribes and pharisees from His brief time in the flesh on this earth.  They look good on the outside, but are foul and putrid on the inside.  Oh, I’ll admit that there are many of these authorities who have the best of intentions and are misled by the scribes and pharisees who trained them, but this doesn’t mean that they aren’t rotten and putrid on the inside also.

So, I’ll ask you a question:  would you like to be cured of your disease without the poisons and butchering that we are led to believe in?  I’ll say that the vast majority of us are too fearful to rely on anything other than what we were raised to believing in.  What if something else doesn’t work?  Will we have passed the point of no return?  How do we know that those who promote other alternatives to poison and butchering  aren’t wolves in sheep’s clothing?  See what I mean: too far removed.

Most of us are just as foul and putrid on the inside as these modern scribes and pharisees are.  We bath daily and then slather toxic cremes and lotions all over our bodies to cover up the foul stench that emanates from our rotting flesh.  We run to the dentist to drill and gouge out our rotting teeth that are nothing more than one of the many signs of our sick perverted life style.

We’d rather sit at the computer than we would go tend a garden.  Who has time.  After all, when it’s all said and done with we’d only plant those GMO’s then bathe them in poison anyway.  Or we’ll raise our chickens in structures and feed then the same sick diet that the ones from the store are fed on.  We’ll get sick anyway.

Even when we are willing to try something we are often unwilling to follow the complete protocol then we blame our failure on something that might have worked if we had only been honest and persevered to our goal.   We’ll say something like this:  “oh, I tried that and it didn’t work.”  But, even if the protocol was bogus we often decide to forgo any other natural options because of our one failure.  No, most of us are out for the quick and easy fix: let the doctor fix me.

Then, all too often we are unwilling to do something because it’ll set us apart from our friends and families.   We would become outcasts who are considered lunatics and malcontents so we allow others to lure us back to their sick perverted ways.   What’s really sad is that we perpetrate this lifestyle on young helpless victims who are our children who then grow up to get even farther off the foundation.  However, it won’t be you that is a lunatic when you succeed at becoming healthy it’ll be your friends and family who are crazy.

Will this rant actually help someone?  Only the master of the universe יהוה knows.  I’ve only written what came from my heart. So!

Do you want healed of your cancer and other diseases?  Take the hint from the future king of this world: clean the inside of your vessel first.  Clean it with good food from good sources.  Do what is difficult at first that becomes easier with time.  Resist the pull of your friends and family go go along with them to their destruction.

Rev 18:4  And I heard another voice from the heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins , and lest you receive of her plagues(self inflicted sicknesses, illnesses and diseases) .1 Footnote: 1Jer. 51:6 & 45.
Jer 51:6  2Flee from the midst of Baḇel1, and let each one save his life! Do not be cut off in her crookedness, for this is the time of the vengeance of יהוה, the recompense He is repaying her. Footnote: 1Rev. 18:4.
Jer 51:7  Baḇel was a golden cup in the hand of יהוה, making drunk all the earth1. The nations drank her wine, that is why the nations went mad! Footnote: 1Rev. 17:1-18.
Jer 51:45  “Come out1 of her midst, My people! And let everyone deliver his being from the burning displeasure of יהוה. Footnote: 1Rev. 18:4.  Emphasis mine
